Martinmas Semester, 2019
“Law’s Two Bodies” Interview
With Howard Dellar (Partner and Head of Ecclesiastical Education & Charities, Lee Bolton Monier-Williams)
Friday 6th March (1.30pm, New Seminar Room, St John’s House, with lunch from 1.00pm in rm 11, 71 South St)
Joint ILCR and Institute of Intellectual History Lecture: Prof John Robertson (Cambridge and St Andrews)
“The Refutation of Natural Law by Sacred History in Giambattista Vico’s New Science”
Thursday 27th February, (5pm, Old Class Library [OCL], St John’s House)
ILCR Reading Group:
Mary Ellen O’Connell, The Art of Law in the International Community
Wednesday 12th February (5pm, Old Seminar Room [OSR], 71 South Street)
ILCR Lecture: Sir David Edward (KCMG PC QC)
“Saving the Union…? Creating the Scottish Parliament; the Calman Commission; the Scottish independence Referendum; the ‘Vow’; the Smith Commission; the Brexit Referendum; ‘We must save the Union’ – the legal, constitutional, political and practical conditions of a workable and stable future.”
Friday 7th February (5pm, Parliament Hall)
ILCR Dicey Reading Group
Concluding discussion led by Jim Gallagher (CB FRSE, Honorary Professor University of St Andrews)
See Prof. Gallagher’s profile here:
Wednesday 27th November (4pm, Old Seminar Room)
ILCR Dicey Reading Group
Core reading: Lecture VIII, “The Connection between the Law of the Constitution and the Conventions of the Constitution” (pages 185-213)
Wednesday 20th November (4pm, Arts Building, Seminar Room 2)
CGC Roundtable
“The ICC in Times of Turmoil”
Wednesday 13th November (5pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
ILCR Public Lecture
“Scotland: A Nation Squeezed Between Two Nationalisms”
Jim Gallagher (CB FRSE)
Thursday 7th November (5.15pm, Parliament Hall)
Centre for Global Constitutionalism Presents: Challenges to International Law
“What is the Role of Academia in these Turbulent Times?”
Stephen Toope (VC University of Cambridge) in Conversation with Anthony Lang (University of St Andrews)
Stephen Toope is Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, has a distinguished academic background and a vast array of international law experience:
“From 1986 to 1987 he served as Law Clerk to the Rt Hon Brian Dickson, Chief Justice of Canada. In 1991, he was Research Director at the Office of the Special Representative concerning the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People (1991).
Professor Toope subsequently worked as a consultant to Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Canadian International Development Agency, and a number of United Nations’ agencies. In 1994 he was a delegate on the UN’s observer mission to the first post-apartheid South African General Election. Between 2004 and 2007 he was Chair and Rapporteur of the UN’s Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances.
In 2005 he served as a fact-finder for the Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Government Officials in relation to Maher Arar, a Canadian subjected to rendition from the USA to Syria.
He was Chair of the Board of Universities Canada, and President of Canada’s Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. He is a past Director of the Public Policy Forum, of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and of the Royal Conservatory of Music – from which he received an Honorary Fellowship.”
Friday 8th November (4.30-6pm, with reception to follow, Arts Lecture Theatre)
Please contact Mateja Peter or Adam Bower for further information.
ILCR Dicey Reading Group
Core reading: Lecture V, “The Rule of Law: Its Nature” (pages 95-119) and Lecture VI, “The Rule of Law: Its Applications (A)” (pages 121-157).
Wednesday 30th October (4pm, Old Seminar Room)
ILCR Dicey Reading Group
Core reading: Lecture III, “Comparison between Parliament and Non-sovereign Law-making Bodies) (pages 51-73) and Lecture IV, “Parliamentary Sovereignty and Federalism” (pages 75-94).
Wednesday 9th October (4pm, Old Seminar Room)
ILCR Lecture
“Is Westminster Parliamentary Democracy Fit for Purpose in the Twenty-First Century?”
Stephen Gethins (MP, North East Fife)
Friday 4th October (4pm, School III)
ILCR Dicey Reading Group, session 1
A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution
“Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Leader of the Commons, hit back at those who accused Boris Johnson of being undemocratic, reminding them Parliament’s duty was, in the words of the constitutional expert AV Dicey, to ‘give effect to the will … of the nation’ – which had chosen to leave the EU.”
(Front page, Daily Telegraph August 29th 2019, quoted from The Guardian “’Day democracy died’: what the papers say about proroguing parliament” (Kate Lyons, 29th August 2019)
This Semester, in the ongoing context of what has been described as a ‘Very British Constitutional Crisis’, we will be reading probably the most influential theorist of British parliamentary sovereignty: Albert Venn Dicey (1835-1922). Our set text will be Dicey’s Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (1st ed. 1885, with many subsequent editions).
Preferred edition for reading group: J.W.F. Allison, Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. A. V. Dicey. The Oxford Edition of Dicey. Volume I. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, paperback edition 2019.) All page refs below are to the 2019 paperback edition [and Allison’s “Editor’s Introduction to Volume One” is useful for orientation…].
Session 1, core reading: Lecture I, “The True Nature of Constitutional Law” (pages 9-25); Lecture II, “The Sovereignty of Parliament” (pages 27-49).
Plus ‘Prefaces’ to 1885 edition (pages 5-6); 1886 edition (page 217); 1889 edition (page 218); 1893 edition (page 289);1897 edition (page 299); 1902 edition (pages 327-8); 1908 edition (page 367); 1915 edition (page 415-6).]
Wednesday 25th September (5pm, Old Seminar Room, 71 South St.)
Law’s Two Bodies
Interview with Daniel Greenberg (Barrister Specialising in Legislation)
Thursday 19th September (2pm, lunch from 1.15pm, rm 9, 71 South St.)
“The Future of the Rule of Law: A Parliamentary Perspective”, Daniel Greenberg Lecture
Thursday 19th September (5.15pm, Old Class Library)
Global Fellow Seminar
“A Legal Perspective on the Scottish Protestant Reformation”
Mathis Schmoeckel (Bonn)
Tuesday 17th September (1pm, Old Class Library, 71 South St.)
Candlemas Semester, 2020
*CANCELLED* ILCR Reading Group
Mary Ellen O’Connell, The Art of Law…
Wednesday 11th March (5pm, Old Seminar Room)
*CANCELLED* St Andrews University’ Law Society Moot
Saturday 4th April (3.30 – 5pm, followed by alumni drinks, 5-6pm, Old Class Library)
*CANCELLED* ILCR Reading Group: Mary Ellen O’Connell, The Art of Law…
Wednesday 8th April (5pm, Old Seminar Room)
*CANCELLED* Saga Masterclass
Prof. William I. Miller (Michigan Law School and St Andrews)
Mon. 27th, Tues. 28th, Wed. 29th and Thurs. 30th April (10 am – 12pm, Old Seminar Room)
*CANCELLED* ILCR Reading Group
Led by Mary Ellen O’Connell
Wednesday 6th May (5pm, Old Seminar Room)
CGC Conference
‘International Rules in Times of Fundamental Change’
Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May (Contact Dr Peter or Dr Bower for further info)
Conference with Edinburgh Law School
‘Global Legal Histories’
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th June (contact Prof. Humfress for further info.)