Events 2015-16
Martinmas Semester, 2015
School of International Relations Seminar
Professor Roland Bleiker, (The University of Queensland)
‘Images, Emotions and Humanitarianism’
Monday October 5, 5- 6.30pm
The Arts Lecture Theatre
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (i): Introductory Meeting
Reading: Christopher N. Warren, Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1680 (Oxford, 2015). Chapter 1, “The Stakes of International Law and Literature”
Tuesday 6 October, 1.00 – 2.00 pm
Old Seminar Room, 71 South Street, School of History
Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Seminar
Narrating Emotions: Recognition, Empathy, Compassion and Trauma in the Construction and Transformation of Conflict
Professor Roland Bleiker, (UQ), Professor K.M. Fierke, (St Andrews), Dr Naomi Head, (Glasgow), Dr Ty Solomon, (Glasgow) and Professor Alison Watson, (St. Andrews)
Wednesday October 7, 5- 6.30pm
The Arts Lecture Theatre
ILCR Inaugural Lecture
Baroness Hale (Deputy President, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom)
‘The Supreme Court in the United Kingdom Constitution’
Thursday 8 October, 5.15 pm
School III, St Salvator’s Quad
The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
Dr Anthony Richards (University of East London)
Workshop focusing on Anthony Richards, Conceptualizing Terrorism (Oxford University Press, 2015)
Thursday 15 October, 5pm
Hebdomadar’s Room, St Salvator’s Quadrangle
Late Modern History Research Seminar
Emma Hunter (Edinburgh)
‘Concepts of Democracy in Mid-Twentieth-Century Africa: Re-Imagining Political Accountability from the Bottom Up’
Monday 19 October, 5.15pm
New Seminar Room, 71 South Street, School of History
School of International Relations Seminar
Professor Barry Buzan and Dr George Lawson (LSE)
‘The Global Transformation’ (a seminar based around their book of the same name)
Monday October 26, 5- 6.30pm
The Arts Lecture Theatre
Institute of Intellectual History, James Burns Memorial Lectures
Ian Hunter (Queensland)
The History of Dialectical History: The Case of International Law
Michael Bentley (St Andrews)
Dialectical History: An Update
Friday 30 October, 2.00- 5. 30pm
Parliament Hall
Institute of Scottish Historical Research
Dr Maks Del Mar (Queen Mary University, London)
‘Is There a Scottish Tradition of Jurisprudence? Neil MacCormick and the Scottish Enlightenment’
Thursday 5th November, 5.30 pm (Drinks and nibbles served from 5:15pm)
New Seminar Room, St John’s House, School of History
ILCR Public Debate
Jim Naismith, Katie Stevenson and Alex Woolf (University of St Andrews)
‘If One Were Designing a Federal Britain, Where Would the Federal Capital Be Placed?’
Wednesday 11 November, 7.30pm
Parliament Hall
Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS)
Dr Ewan Stein, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Edinburgh
‘Sovereignty regimes and international relations in the Middle East’
Thursday 12 November , 11am-1pm
Seminar Room 7, New Arts Building
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (ii)
Reading: Christopher N. Warren, Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1680 (Oxford, 2015). Chapter 5, “From Imperial History to International Law”
Tuesday 17 November, 1.00 – 2.00 pm
Old Seminar Room, 71 South Street, School of History
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (iii)
Reading: Christopher N. Warren, Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1680 (Oxford, 2015). Chapter 6, “From Biblical Tragedy to Human Rights”
Tuesday 15 December, 1.00 – 2.00 pm
Old Seminar Room, 71 South Street, School of History
Candlemas Semester, 2016
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (iv)
Professor Tony Lang on China Mieville
Tuesday 16 February 1.00- 2.00 pm
Old Seminar Room, 71 South St, School of History
AHRC 10th Anniversary Debate
‘Is British culture a myth?’
Tuesday 1 March 6-8 pm
The Byre Theatre, Abbey Street
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (v)
Professor Knud Haakonssen on Adam Smith and Natural Law
Tuesday 8 March, 1.00- 2:00 pm
Old Seminar Room, 71 South St, School of History
Annual Academic Lecture
Gadi Algazi and Steve White
‘Doing Law and Literature’
Monday 18 April, 5.15pm
Parliament Hall
ILCR/CMEMLL Reading Group
‘Interpreting Literature, Law, and Constitution’ (vi)
Professors Lorna Hutson and John Hudson: Conclusions
Tuesday 19 April, 1pm
Old Class Library, 69 South St, School of History
‘Transgression’: A Workshop to mark the 70th birthday of Professor Bill Miller
Thursday 28 April 2016: 2.30pm-4.30pm
Old Class Library
Academic Roundtable
‘Law and Drama in Early Modern England’
Quentin Skinner (Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities, Queen Mary, University of London)
Andrew Zurcher (Queens College, Cambridge)
Lorna Hutson (Berry Professor of English Literature, University of St Andrews)
Thursday, 5 May 2016
(2-4pm Lawson Room , Kennedy Hall, The Scores)
‘The Reality of the Fantastic: The Magical, Geopolitical and Social Universe of Late Medieval Saga Manuscripts’
Hans Jacob Orning (Oslo University)
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
(11am, Old Class Library, Department of Medieval History)
AHRC Funded Cultural Engagement Project: Talking Law
‘The Trial of Patrick Hamilton’
Friday, 6 May 2016
(7-9pm Byre Theatre, St Andrews)
‘The Real Work of International Law’
Monica Hakimi (University of Michigan Law School)
Wednesday 22 June, 12 noon
Arts Seminar Room 2, New Arts Building
ILCR Conference
‘Living with the Law: Society and Legal Disputes c.1200-1700’
27-29 June 2016
(Department of Medieval History, St John’s House)