Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom
PIMIC is a four-year collaborative project by a team of western medievalists, Arabists and Byzantinists – eight partners from prestigious academic institutions and two private sector companies. PIMIC will coordinate scholarly work at pre- and post-doctoral levels, addressing particular questions from different perspectives, but integrated within a common and ambitious research programme on a vital historical question: ‘why did certain sorts of institutionalisation and institutional continuity come to characterise government and society in Christendom by the later Middle Ages, but not the Islamic world, whereas the reverse might have been predicted on the basis of the early medieval situation?’ In addressing this question, the PIMIC ITN aims to produce a number of interpretative answers stressing the fact that even though the whole Mediterranean basin shared a common classical legacy, institutions acquired distinctive configurations in different regions and periods.

Funded by: Marie Curie Actions/ EU
Academic Partners: Dr Ana Rodríguez (CCHS-CSIC – Co-ordinator); Professor John Hudson (St Andrews); Dr Emanuele Conte (Roma Tre); Dr Caroline Humfress (Birkbeck); Sandro Carocci (Roma Tor Vergata); Professor Gadi Algazi (Tel Aviv); Professor Michel Kaplan (Paris I – Sorbonne); Professor Hugh Kennedy (SOAS).