Events 2018-19
Martinmas Semester 2018
Centre for Global Constitutionalism Lecture
“Deciding how we are allowed to kill each other – controlling weapons in international law”
Richard Moyes (Article 36)
26 September (5pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
Law and…, Law as…
Interview with Richard Moyes (Article 36).
September 27 (12.30pm lunch, Room 9 71 South Street, 1pm Old Class Library)
Institute of Intellectual History Seminar
“The Authority of Office”
Janet MacLean (Auckland)
October 2 (5.15pm, Room 1.10 St Katharine’s Lodge)
ILCR in association with the Constitution Reform Group and These Islands
“The Union: Past, Present, and Future”
Speakers include Lord Salisbury, Gisela Stuart, Daniel Greenberg, and Paul Silk.
October 18 (3pm–6.30pm, Parliament Hall)
Institute of Intellectual History Conference
After Pufendorf: Natural law and the passions in Germany and Scotland
October 24-27 (Parliament Hall)
The Law’s Two Bodies
An interview with Paul Seils
October 26 (4pm, Old Class Library)
The Law’s Two Bodies
11.30am: Interview with Dame Elish Angiolini
2.00pm: Interview with Sir John Baker/Sir Edward Coke
October 27 (Old Class Library)
ILCR Seminar
“Law in theory and law in practice”
Hugh Dillon (Sydney)
October 30 (12.30pm lunch, Room 9 71 South Street, 1pm Old Class Library)
ILCR Lecture (with Student Law Society)
“Tales from the Coroner’s Room”
Hugh Dillon (Sydney)
October 30 (5.15pm, New Seminar Room)
Centre for Global Constitutionalism
“Old and new models of post-conflict justice: Experiences from international(ised) courts”
Beti Hohler (International Criminal Court)
November 21 (5pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
Institute of Intellectual History
Istvan Hont Memorial Lecture
“Rousseau’s Republican Citizenship”
Robin Douglass (KCL)
November 26 (5.15pm, Room 1.10 St Katharine’s Lodge)
ILCR Lecture
St Andrews Day Lecture
“Law’s Futures”
Bill Taylor, QC
30 November (4pm , Old Class Library, followed 5.30pm-7pm Institute end of semester party)
Candlemas Semester 2019
ILCR Seminar
‘800 years of jury trial’
Rob Bartlett and John Hudson in conversation
26 January (4pm, Old Class Library)
Centre for Global Constitutionalism
Roundtable: ‘China and the 21st Century Global Order’
With Beverley Loke (Exeter), Chris Ogden (St Andrews), Catherine Jones (St Andrews), and Konrad Lawson (St Andrews)
7 February (5pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
Talking Law
‘The jury on trial: a debate’
More information can be found here.
11 February (7pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
Centre for Global Constitutionalism Lecture
‘Laws of War: Current Challenges’
Hyeran Jo (Texas A&M University)
6 March (5pm, Arts Lecture Theatre)
ILCR Lecture
‘Hidden Narratives in Medieval Welsh Law’
Robin Stacey (University of Washington)
11 March (5.15pm, Parliament Hall)
ILCR Workshop
Robin Stacey (University of Washington)
12 March (1pm, Old Class Library)
Centre for Global Constitutionalism
‘International courts in a time of populism’
Dr Taylor St John (St Andrews), Professor Jeffrey Dunoff (Temple University) and Professor Tony Lang Jr (St Andrews)
25 April (5–6.30pm, School 1). More information here.
ILCR Annual Conference/British Academy Conference
‘Sovereignty: a Global Perspective’
Registration required. For details see
29-30 April
Centre for Global Constitutionalism Lecture
‘Islamic International Law’
Emilia Justyna Powell (Notre Dame)
Followed by a reception celebrating the launch of a new CGC Junior Working Paper.
1 May (4pm, Arts Lecture Theatre) – NB! New time
Law’s Two Bodies
Interview with Harry Potter as Thomas Erskine
3 May (12.30pm lunch Room 9, 71 South Street, 1pm Old Class Library)
ILCR Lecture
‘Talking Law II: The trial of Daenerys Targaryen’
3 May (5pm, Parliament Hall). Free but tickets required: available here.
Law’s Two Bodies
Interview with Bruce Frier (University of Michigan) as the jurist Julian.
9 May (12.30pm lunch Room 9, 71 South Street, 1pm Old Class Library)
ILCR Lecture
‘What held Roman Law together’
Bruce Frier (University of Michigan)
10 May (5pm, Old Class Library)
ILCR and SAIMS Graduate Conference lecture
‘Authoritative writing, writing as authority: the contribution of paleography to the history of the transmission of Roman legal thought’
Serena Ammirati (Roma Tre)
8 June (5pm, Old Class Library)
For more details see
The British Legal History Conference
For details see
10-13 July