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The Law’s Two Bodies (ii)

  • ILCR

The second of the Institute’s ‘Law’s Two Bodies’ event will take place on Monday 7 November, 2 – 3pm in the Old Class Library (Department of Medieval History, South Street). Lunch will be available from 1.30 – 2pm in the same room.

Our second interviewee is Professor Malik R. Dahlan, Principal of the Institution Quraysh for Law & Policy.

Professor Dahlan is a multi-jurisdictional legal practitioner and a transnational regulatory lawyer. He originally trained as an international lawyer focusing on international trade law, transnational legal problems and investment law and developed a career in international alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in parallel. He is a certified mediator and focuses on political mediation and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). Professor Dahlan also serves on the Board of Directors of the International Mediation Institute (IMI) in The Hague. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). He is an expert in transitional political economy, development and trade regionalism, negotiation theory, transnational political entrepreneurship and track-two diplomacy. He has written and advised on matters regarding international law, dispute resolution, global and regional governance, legislative affairs, defence, energy, and foreign relations and is a UN Constitutional Expert (and one of ten Regional Experts in Constitutional Affairs, Oil and Gas selected by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq).