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The ILCR held the second of its ‘Talking Law’ events on 3rd May 2019 in Parliament Hall, The Trial of Daenerys Targaryen. The event aimed to encourage discussion of humanitarian law between students, members of the public, and legal professionals by dramatizing a trial based on the popular book and television series Game of Thrones. The audience received jury bundles with all necessary background material, allowing everyone to follow the trial, even those who had not watched the show. The evening began with a musical rendition of the Game of Thrones theme by a Fife-based band. Using a trial set up, including a judge (Professor Malik Dahlan) and barristers (Harry Potter and Dr Mateja Peter) for the defence and prosecution, Daenerys Targaryen was charged with two counts of violating international law. The barristers presented their cases, and cross examined the accused. A panel of legal experts then answered questions and considered the ongoing legal implications raised by the trial, which included questions of jurisdiction and enforcement, along with current approaches to the legality of revenge. The trial closed with the audience, who constituted the jury, finding Daenerys guilty of the arbitrary deprivation of life but not guilty of inflicting torture and mutilation. Finally the audience was treated to a video lecture on Game of Thrones by the Oxford professor Carolyne Larrington.